Purpose - The purpose of this research is to identify and articulate the practical implications of the teacher's role in implementing a program related to developing moral literacy in students as well as identifying what is necessary for professional development opportunities intended to educate teachers in the realm of moral literacy. Design/methodology/approach - A broad range of recent literature on the subject of moral education and moral literacy are utilized to identify best practices and potential pitfalls related to moral literacy program implementation in schools as well as the particular impact of teacher behaviors on program success. Findings - The paper identifies a pervasive need for professional development opportunities for teachers expected by their districts to implement programs related to moral literacy in their classrooms. Additionally, the authors identify the need for teachers to address the need for community involvement, the development of their own moral literacy, synergy between program ideals and teacher behavior, and developmentally appropriate implementation. Practical implications - This paper serves as a condensed research base necessary for the development and implementation of a workshop intended to develop moral literacy in teachers and to showcase effective methods of integrating moral literacy across existing curricula. Originality/value - This paper offers guidance for the development of an often overlooked form of professional development for teachers aimed at equipping them with the tools and knowledge necessary for effectively integrating character development programs in their curricula. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Zdenek, B., & Schochor, D. (2007). Developing moral literacy in the classroom. Journal of Educational Administration, 45(4), 514–532. https://doi.org/10.1108/09578230710762481
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