An assessment of the Jenkinson and Collison synoptic classification to a continental mid-latitude location

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A weather-type catalogue based on the Jenkinson and Collison method was developed for an area in south-west Russia for the period 1961–2010. Gridded sea level pressure data was obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis. The resulting catalogue was analysed for frequency of individual types and groups of weather types to characterise long-term atmospheric circulation in this region. Overall, the most frequent type is anticyclonic (A) (23.3 %) followed by cyclonic (C) (11.9 %); however, there are some key seasonal patterns with westerly circulation being significantly more common in winter than summer. The utility of this synoptic classification is evaluated by modelling daily rainfall amounts. A low level of error is found using a simple model based on the prevailing weather type. Finally, characteristics of the circulation classification are compared to those for the original JC British Isles catalogue and a much more equal distribution of flow types is seen in the former classification.




Spellman, G. (2017). An assessment of the Jenkinson and Collison synoptic classification to a continental mid-latitude location. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 128(3–4), 731–744.

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