The Education and Practice Environment for Medical Radiation Science Professionals Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients: An Analysis of a #MedRadJClub Tweet Chat

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Introduction: The medical radiation sciences’ (MRS) MedRadJournalClub attracts a global group of participants to monthly sessions to discuss selected journal articles. The September 2017 session explored the experiences of MRS professionals working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients. The aim of the chat was to establish staff educational preparation, how participants’ organizations approached the issue, and what participants would do differently at work or at home in relation to this patient population after the chat. Method: Data were extracted using the Twitter advanced search function with #MedRadJClub from the 19th to 23rd September 2017. The data were reviewed and categorized for themes. Tweets related to shared LGBT resources were captured, verified, and counted separately. Results: 44 participants took part in the September Twitter chat. After data cleaning, 127 tweets were included for analysis with a further 16 tweets sharing LGBT resources. Almost all of the participants disclosed that they had no undergraduate education or workplace training in the care of LGBT patients. Workplaces of a limited few participants had specific approaches to improve experiences for this patient population. Many participants were eager to advocate for changes in their workplaces after the Twitter chat. Conclusion: There is still work to be carried out to educate MRS professionals to enhance their LGBT patients’ experience and improve workplaces. Positive changes in education and a more inclusive clinical environment will ultimately improve care for LGBT patients.




Bolderston, A., Watson, J., Thom, S., & Meeking, K. (2018). The Education and Practice Environment for Medical Radiation Science Professionals Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patients: An Analysis of a #MedRadJClub Tweet Chat. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 49(4), 428-435.e1.

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