An expert system to support the provisioning of staff with disabilities in industry

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The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that currently in developing countries, 80% to 90% of persons with disabilities of working age are unemployed, whereas in industrialized countries the estimation points values between 50% and 70%. In developing countries, it is common employing persons with disabilities only with the aim of complying the state regulations. These persons commonly perform tasks for which they are overqualified. For these reasons, in this paper, we present a prototype of an expert system to support the provisioning of staff with disabilities. Our proposal considers the following elements to provide support in decision making: a set of the most common positions in the industry, the skills required to cover these positions, the disabilities with higher prevalence, and the complex relations among these elements. The prototype system has been validated with the support of a team of experts and has achieved excellent results (more than 78% of precision).




Rodas-Tobar, M., Bernal-Bravo, C., Andres-Romero, M., Pinos-Figueroa, A., Vidal-Mogrovejo, P., Leon-Pesantez, A., … Pesantez-Aviles, F. (2018). An expert system to support the provisioning of staff with disabilities in industry. In 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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