The main aim of this article is to identify the millennial work life balance (WLB),and to identify the connection among millennial WLB and work family conflict (WFC), Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and life satisfaction (LS). The study also focuses on identifying the significant differences of millennials work life balance on OCB. Sample size of the study consists of 284 millennials working in Hyderabad. For data collection structured questionnaire was used. In this study SPSS 19 software were used for data analysis and statistical tools such as correlation and one - way anova are used for analysing the data. The study results states that relationship among millennial WLB and work family conflict, OCB and life satisfaction. The study also finds the significant variance among millennial WLB and its dimensions and Organization citizenship behaviour.
Mohan*, Y. C., Pradeep, P., … Jothikumar, R. (2019). Collision of Work Life Balance on Millennials Life Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Work Family Conflict. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 9817–9820.
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