Accessibility, UX metrics and Gamification approach in embedded system

ISSN: 22783075
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Embedded systems are developed to help people living a better life. Gamification approach in the system can also become the tool for people living their precious life. These systems require a friendly interface to help people able to use the system properly, especially disabled people. Better system experience and ease of use are among the parameters which are important but difficult to measure. In this work, we also propose a simple way to measure UX metrics based on the time needed to be able to access and properly use the system. The user is given the blind test for the new interface and the elapsed time is measured as the parameter for understandability. The faster the user understands the system interface the better the UX/UI score. Many smart cities policies also considering many applications that are specially developed for impaired people. However not many ‘ordinary’ embedded system that is developed with the consideration that their user might be having some degrees of disability or impaired. Small changes in design which require only little effort, like adding ‘beep’, could improve the user experience aspects, especially for a disabled user. Gamification can also trigger people to interact more with the system.




Karyono, K., Andoko, A., & Ellianto. (2019). Accessibility, UX metrics and Gamification approach in embedded system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6 C2), 210–214.

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