Humans recognize each other according to their various characteristics for ages. We recognize others by their face when we meet them and by their voice as we speak to them. Identity verification (authentication) in computer systems has been traditionally based on something that one has (key, magnetic or chip card) or one knows (PIN, password). Things like keys or cards, however, tend to get stolen or lost and passwords are often forgotten or disclosed. To achieve more reliable verification or identification we should use something that really characterizes the given person. Biometrics offer automated methods of identity verification or identification on the principle of measurable physiological or behavioural characteristics such as a fingerprint or a voice sample. The characteristics are measurable, unique and these characteristics should biometrics not be duplicable. Proper design and implementation of the biometric system can indeed increase the overall security; especially the smartcard based solutions seem to be very promising. Making a secure biometric systems is, however, not as easy as it might appear. The word biometrics is very often used as a synonym for the perfect security
Patil, N. V., & Kadam, S. U. (2013). Thermal Recognition in Biometrics Approach. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (p. 76).
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