Optimisation of process parameters in hard turning of Aisi 5150 steel by anova

ISSN: 22773878
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In the present study, an attempt has been made to hard turn AISI 5150 steel using uncoated TiC inserts. Round bar stock of AISI 5150 steel was hardened to 48 HRC by oil quenching. Three different process parameters Speed, feed and depth cut were chosen at three different levels. The parameter combinations were chosen according to L9 orthogonal array to limit the number of experiments to nine instead of twenty seven. ANOVA is performed on the results of surface finish obtained for 9 experiments parameter combination chosen. The percentage contribution of the factor feed towards the response i.e., surface roughness is 51.19%, followed by depth of cut 24.07% and finally by speed 15.01%.The main effect plots for means were generated between process parameters and surface roughness an optimum process parameters were chosen and confirmation experiment was performed on the selected optimum process parameters.




Veerendra Prasad, S., Ravi Kumar, B. V. R., & Subba Rao, V. V. (2018). Optimisation of process parameters in hard turning of Aisi 5150 steel by anova. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(4), 108–110.

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