Forthcoming emission standards for two wheelers are mainly aiming to reduction of exhaust gas emissions like hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and NOx etc., Modern engines have been improved engine fuel economy and significantly reduced emissions, it achieved by advanced technologies like after treatment technologies and catalytic systems. In the present paper is mainly focused on decreasing the level of CO2, HC, and NOx emissions in two wheeler four stroke IC engine by using absorption technology. The absorption is carried out with help of suitable absorbers such as activated charcoal and copper oxide II. After adsorption we found a significant amount of emissions are condensed in proposed device.
Kanna*, G. P., Kumaresan, M., … Nasrulla, S. M. (2019). Reduction of Exhaust Gas Emissions by using Activated Charcoal and Copper Oxide in Two Wheeler. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8133–8136.
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