Analysis of heat energy transfer and friction characteristics for turbulent flow in a copper tube with various inserts

ISSN: 22773878
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The core aim of presented work is to determine the heat energy transfer and pressure loss in copper tube with various inserts fitted in counter-swirl and co-swirl directionality. The experimented information have been picked for single (ST), twin co-swirl (COS) and twin counter-swirl (CTS) twisted tapes (TT) with twist ratio (TR) 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 and the Reynolds number (Re) is maintained between 5000 to 15000. The significant growth in heat transfer has been recorded with TT inserts with TR 3.5, the synchronous growth in friction with reference to the plain empty tube. The ultimate rise in the heat energy transfer and frictional losses are achieved to be 2.02 and 4.09 times of the plain empty tube. The highest gained in thermo-hydraulic performance factor has been recorded 1.27 for CTS inserts with TR 3.5. Gain in heat energy transfer is very significant rather than rise in friction factor in terms of overall enhancement in thermal performance of the system.




Vashisth, C., Kukreja, N., & Pratrap Singh, R. (2019). Analysis of heat energy transfer and friction characteristics for turbulent flow in a copper tube with various inserts. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 2080–2088.

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