The field of educational psychology draws from a variety of diverse disciplines including human development across the life span, measurement and statistics, learning and motivation, and teaching. And within these different disciplines, many other fields are featured including psychology, anthropology, education, sociology, public health, school psychology, counseling, history, and philosophy. In fact, when taught at the college or university level, educational psychology is an ambitious course that undertakes the presentation of many different topics all tied together by the theme of how the individual can best function in an "educational" setting, loosely defined as anything from pre-school through adult education. v. 1. A-H -- v. 2. I-Z. v. 1. -- Abstinence Education -- Acceleration -- Acculturation -- Adult Learning -- African Americans -- Aggression -- Alternative Academic Assessment -- American Educational Research Association -- American Indians and Alaska Natives -- Androgyny -- Anxiety -- Applied Behavior Analysis -- Aptitude -- Aptitude Tests -- Asian Americans -- Assessment -- Assistive Technology -- Athletics -- Attachment -- Attachment Disorder -- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -- Autism Spectrum Disorders -- Aversive Stimuli -- Behavior Disorders -- Behavior Modification -- Bell Curve -- Bilingual Education -- Bilingualism -- Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives -- Brain-Relevant Education -- Bullying -- Calculator Use -- Case Studies -- Certification -- Charter Schools -- Cheating -- Child Abuse -- Classical Conditioning -- Cliques -- Cognitive and Cultural Styles -- Cognitive Behavior Modification -- Cognitive Development and School Readiness -- Cognitive View of Learning -- Communication Disorders -- Competition -- Conduct Disorders -- Confidence Interval -- Conflict -- Conservation -- Constructivism -- Contingency Contracts -- Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning -- Cooperative Learning -- Correlation -- Creativity -- Criterion-Referenced Testing -- Cross-Sectional Research -- Crystallized Intelligence -- Cultural Deficit Model -- Cultural Diversity -- Culture -- Curriculum Development -- Deductive Reasoning -- Descriptive Statistics -- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -- Direct Instruction -- Disabilities -- Discipline -- Discovery Learning -- Discrimination -- Distance Learning -- Divergent Thinking -- Diversity -- Divorce -- Domestic Violence -- Drug Abuse -- Dynamical Systems -- Dyslexia -- Early Child Care and Education -- Early Intervention Programs -- Eating Disorders -- Educational Technology -- Effective Teaching, Characteristics of -- Egocentrism -- Emotional Development -- Emotional Intelligence -- Emotion and Memory -- Empathy -- English as a Second Language -- Episodic Memory -- Equilibration -- Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development -- Essay Tests -- Ethics and Research -- Ethnicity and Race -- Ethnography -- Evaluation -- Experimental Design -- Expert Teachers -- Explicit Memory -- Explicit Teaching -- External Validity -- Extracurricular Activities -- Failure, Effects of -- Family Influences -- Field Experiments -- Field Independence-Field Dependence -- Flashbulb Memories, The Nature of -- Fluid Intelligence -- Frequency Distribution -- Friendship -- Gangs -- Gender -- Gender Bias -- Gender Differences -- Gender Identity -- Generalizability Theory -- Gifted and Talented Students -- Goals -- Grade-Equivalent Scores -- Grade Retention -- Grading -- Habituation -- Halo Effect -- Head Start -- High-Stakes Testing -- Hispanic Americans -- HIV/AIDS -- Home Education -- Home Environment and Academic Intrinsic Motivation -- Homeless Families -- Homework. v. 2. -- Identity Development -- Immigration -- Inclusion -- Individual Differences -- Individualized Education Program -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- Inductive Reasoning -- Inferential Statistics -- Institutional Review Boards -- Instructional Objectives -- Intelligence and Intellectual Development -- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) -- Intelligence Tests -- Internal Validity -- Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation -- Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development -- Language Disorders -- Latinos. See Hispanic Americans -- Learned Helplessness -- Learning -- Learning Communities -- Learning Disabilities -- Learning Objectives -- Learning Strategies -- Learning Style -- Least Restrictive Placement -- Lifelong Learning -- Literacy -- Longitudinal Research -- Long-Term Memory -- Mainstreaming -- Malnutrition and Development -- Maslow's Hierarchy of Basic Needs -- Maturation -- Mean -- Measurement -- Measurement of Cognitive Development -- Media Literacy -- Median -- Memory -- Mental Age -- Mental Health Care in Schools -- Mental Retardation -- Meta-Analysis -- Metacognition and Learning -- Mnemonics -- Mode -- Montessori Schools -- Moral Development -- Motivation -- Motivation and Emotion -- Motor Development -- Multicultural Classrooms -- Multicultural Education -- Multiple-Choice Tests -- Multiple Intelligences -- Myelination -- National Assessment of Educational Progress -- National Center for Education Statistics -- Naturalistic Observation -- Neuroscience -- No Child Left Behind -- Normal Curve -- Norm-Referenced Tests -- Obesity -- Object Permanence -- Observational Learning -- Older Learners -- Operant Conditioning -- Parental Expectations -- Parenting -- Parenting Styles -- Parent-Teacher Conferences -- Peer-Assisted Learning -- Peer Influences -- Percentile Rank -- Perceptual Development -- Personality Tests -- Personalized System of Instruction -- Phonics -- Physical Development -- Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development -- Poverty -- PRAXIS -- Precision Teaching -- Premack Principle -- Private Speech -- Psychoanalytic Theory -- Psychosocial Development -- Qualitative Research Methods -- Quantitative Research Methods -- Random Sample -- Reading Comprehension Strategies -- Reciprocal Determinism -- Regression -- Reinforcement -- Reliability -- Risk Factors and Development -- Rosenthal Effect -- Rubrics -- Scaffolding -- Schemas -- School Counseling -- School Design -- School Readiness -- School Resources -- School Violence and Disruption -- Scientific Method -- Self-Determination -- Self-Efficacy -- Self-Esteem -- Sex Education -- Sexual Orientation -- Shaping -- Short-Term Memory -- Single Versus Coed Gender Education -- Social Class and Classism -- Social Development -- Social Learning Theory -- Special Education -- Speech Disorders -- Spelling -- Standard Deviation and Variance -- Standardized Tests -- Standard Scores -- Stanford-Binet Test -- Stanine Scores -- Statistical Significance -- Stereotypes -- Stimulus Control -- Students' Rights -- Suicide -- T Scores -- Teaching Strategies -- Test Anxiety -- Testing -- Theory of Mind -- Time-Out -- Token Reinforcement Programs -- Tracking -- Triarchic Theory of Intelligence -- Validity -- Vicarious Reinforcement -- Virtual Schools -- Vocational Education -- Vouchers -- Vygotsky's Cultural-Historical Theory of Development -- Working Memory -- Zone of Proximal Development.
Lear, B. A. (2008). Sources: Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48(2), 195–195.
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