Queue process is a process related to the arrival of customers in a service facility, waiting in line queue if it cannot be served, get service and finally leaves the facility after being served. Research on the queue process can be seen directly through the queue system at the automatic toll booth Muktiharjo. Queue models and their distribution were obtained using the Sigma Magic program. The model of the vehicle queue system at the Muktiharjo Automatic Toll Gate is (GAMM/ GAMM/ 4): (GD/ ∞/ ∞). Based on the values of the queue system performance measures obtained through the MATLAB GUI program as a whole it can be concluded that the queue of vehicles at the Muktiharjo Automatic Toll Gate has a condition where the average number of vehicles estimated in the system every 15 minutes is 25,5646 vehicles. The average number of vehicles in the queue system every 15 minutes is 24,5639 vehicles. The waiting time in the system is estimated to be around 7,99332 seconds. The estimated waiting time in line is around 7,68042 seconds. The queue system has a busy opportunity of 63.2849% and the remaining 36.7106% is a chance the queue system is not busy. The simulation of the vehicle queue system at the Automatic Toll Gate of Muktiharjo Toll Gate by using ARENA is optimal with the number of service points as many as 4 automatic toll booths. Keywords: Automatic Toll Booth, Queue, Gamma Distribution, Performance Size, Queue Simulation
Sihotang, E. F. A., Sugito, S., & Mukid, Moch. A. (2019). ANALISIS ANTREAN DAN KINERJA SISTEM PELAYANAN GARDU TOL OTOMATIS GERBANG TOL MUKTIHARJO (Studi Kasus: Gardu Tol Otomatis Gerbang Tol Muktiharjo). Jurnal Gaussian, 8(1), 106–116. https://doi.org/10.14710/j.gauss.v8i1.26625
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