Business Intelligence or Decision Support System (DSS) is IT for decision-makers and business leaders. It describes the means, the tools and the methods that make it possible to collect, consolidate, model and restore the data, material or immaterial, of a company to offer a decision aid and to allow a decision-maker to have an overview of the activity being treated. Given the large volume, variety, and data velocity we entered the era of Big Data. And since most of today's BI tools are designed to handle structured data. In our research project, we aim to consolidate a BI system for Big Data. In continuous efforts, this paper is a progress report of our first contribution that aims to apply the techniques of model engineering to propose a universal approach to deal with Big Data is to help decision-makers make decisions.
Kalna*, F., Belangour, A., … Erraissi*, A. (2019). MDA Transformation Process o f A PIM Logic al Decision Making f rom NoSQL Database t o Big Data NoSQL PSM. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 4208–4215.
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