Structural, dielectric and electrical properties of fe doped la0.7ba0.3mno3solid solutions for cathode materials

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The solid solutions of (La0.7Ba0.3)(FexMn1-x)O3 where x = 0.1-0.5 ceramics were synthesized by conventional solid-state method. The structural analysis was done by X-Ray diffraction technique and the results have revealed that all the samples were crystallized into a single phase. The surface morphology was done by Scanning Electron Microscopy and the micrographs clearly indicate decreased grain size with the increasing Fe concentration. The density of the prepared samples was done using Archimedes principle and the density values were found to be in decreasing order, which is well in agreement with the microstructure relationship. The dielectric and impedance properties have been studied at different ranges of frequency and temperature. The electrical conductivity values were found to be greater than 100 Scm-1, which suggests it to suitable cathode material of SOFCs.




Paul, S., Manokamna, Kaur, S., Malhi, P. S., Singh, A., & Kumar, A. (2019). Structural, dielectric and electrical properties of fe doped la0.7ba0.3mno3solid solutions for cathode materials. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7313–7317.

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