Amplitud e sp ec t ra are ded uced f or t rai ns of lead er pulses a nd of J(pulses fr o m ass um ed m od els of t he fi eld o r current vari at io ns i ll th e li ghtnin g di sc ha rge. A compariso n is m a d e \\' ith ex perinw nta l obser vatio ns. A size dist ri b ut ion of I< pulses relat ive t o r eturn s trok e p ulses is esta blished. F inall y a co mpari so n is m ad e bet wee n t he spectra of atmos ph eri cs fro m lead cr, J{ a nd r ctlll'Jl-st roke pulses. Th ese p ea k r esp ect ive ly at 20, 8, and 5 kH z, ' I'It h cO l'l'espo nd lll g l'ela t l\'c p eak a mpl! t ud es of 1: 2: 10.
Arnold, H. R., & Pierce, E. T. (1964). Leader and junction processes in the lightning discharge as a source of VLF atmospherics. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Section D: Radio Science, 68D(7), 771.
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