Web development on Earth-Quake Measurement in Seismic Scale

  • et al.
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Seismometer is an instrument that generates seismic wave signals and accurately reflect the movement of the ground. With the development of science and technology, especially when the introduction of electronic feedback technology and the development of digital seismic, the development direction of seismometer was high sensitivity, wide band, anti-interference and low power consumption. Looking forward to the new development direction of seismometer, the research development and application prospect of seismometer are widening. In this paper, the complexity faced in the seismic wave is introduced. The seismometer (newton-meter) calculated by the seismometer instrument during earth-quake has complexity in it due to large amount of magnitude therefore converting it into logarithmic moment (magnitude) becomes ease in data representation. Conversion of given seismic-moment (newton-meter) value to logarithmic magnitude should be performed by using simple logarithmic calculation and also conversion of given logarithmic magnitude value to a logical Seismic - moment value should be performed vice versa. The data visualization is enhanced easily since data of infinite value is converted into measurable finite value .Therefore convertion eases analyzing data during underground nuclear weapon test, occurance of natural tremors etc.




Jeyanthi*, P., Sivakumar, G., … Kaveri, V. V. (2019). Web development on Earth-Quake Measurement in Seismic Scale. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 5455–5457. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d7837.118419

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