Development of deep learning algorithm for brain tumor segmentation

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Medical imaging is an emerging field in engineering. As traditional way of brain tumor analysis, MRI scanning is the way to identify brain tumor. The core drawback of manual MRI studies conducted by surgeons is getting manual visual errorswhich can lead toofa false identification of tumor boundaries. To avoid such human errors, ultra age engineering adopted deep learning as a new technique for brain tumor segmentation. Deep learning convolution network can be further developed by means of various deep learning models for better performance. Hence, we proposed a new deep learning algorithm development which can more efficiently identifies the types of brain tumors in terms of level of tumor like T1, T2, and T1ce etc. The proposed system can identify tumors using convolution neural network(CNN) which works with the proposed algorithm “Sculptor DeepCNet”. The proposed model can be used by surgeons to identify post-surgical remains (if any) of brain tumors and thus proposed research can be useful for ultra-age neural surgical image assessments. This paper discusses newly developed algorithm and its testing results.




Jyoti Patil, M. S., & Pradeepini, G. (2019). Development of deep learning algorithm for brain tumor segmentation. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 2800–2803.

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