Minimization of the energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the most important area which has been explored by researchers through different methods. The use of non-stationary mobile sink has undoubtedly decreased the energy consumption within the sensor nodes and hence the life time of the system. Applying the Fuzzy Logic could effectively optimize the selection of Cluster Head. In this paper, Fuzzy Logic has been implemented for Cluster Head selection along with a mobile sink. The energy remaining in the sensor node, distance between the sink and the node, and the node degree are considered as the fuzzy inference variables. The life time of the node has been compared with the LEACH and Fuzzy logic based Clustering Combined with Mobile Sink (FCCMS) with mobile sink.
K*, V., & Sharma, Dr. K. (2019). Routing Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic Based Clustering with Mobile Sink for Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4000–4005.
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