Hysteretic assessment of steel-concrete composite shear walls

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This paper focuses on the hysteretic assessment of steel-concrete composite shear walls with reinforced concrete on one side of the steel plate. Finite element software ABAQUS is utilised to conduct this research. An experimental test on a composite shear wall is simulated to do the verification of the modelling. Then, modelling result is compared with the experimental test result which shows an insignificant difference between them and therefore uncovers the accuracy of the modelling. Thereafter, different parameters are considered to investigate their effects on the response of the walls. Thickness of reinforced concrete, steel plate thickness, and number of shear studs are studied as parameters. It is concluded that changing reinforced concrete thickness and number of shear studs do not considerably affect the ultimate load capacity, ductility, and energy dissipation of the walls. However, increasing the steel plate thickness enhances the ultimate load capacity, ductility, and energy dissipation. In addition, out-of-plane displacement of the walls is evaluated.




Bahrami, A., & Yavari, M. (2019). Hysteretic assessment of steel-concrete composite shear walls. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5640–5645. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B2302.078219

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