One of the major causes of cancer-related mortality worldwide is lung tumors. An earlier prediction of lung tumors is crucial since it may severely increase the death rates. For this reason, genomic profiles have been considered in many advanced microarray technology schemes. Amongst, an Improved Dragonfly optimization Algorithm (IDA) with Boosted Weighted Optimized Neural Network Ensemble Classification (BWONNEC) has been developed which extracts most suitable features and fine-tunes the weights related to the ensemble neural network classifiers. But, its major limitations are the number of learning factors in neural network and computational difficulty. Therefore in this article, a Boosted Weighted Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble Classification (BWOCNNEC) algorithm is proposed to lessen the number of learning factors and computation cost of neural network. In this algorithm, the boosting weights are combined into the CNN depending on the least square fitness value. Then, the novel weight values are assigned to the features extracted by the IDA. Moreover, these weight values and the chosen features are processed in different CNN structures within the boosted classifier. Further, the best CNN structure in each iteration i.e., CNNs having the least weighted loss is selected and ensemble to predict and diagnose the lung tumors effectively. Finally, the investigational outcomes exhibit that the IDA-BWOCNNEC achieves better prediction efficiency than the existing algorithms.
Vinmalar, F. L., & Kombaiya, Dr. A. K. (2021). Boosted Weighted Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble Classification for Lung Cancer Prediction. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 11(2), 90–95.
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