Hands-on interventions have been the focus of many studies; however, they frequently are not done using a population of students involved in active learning. Engineering technology programs are established with the premise that the program will encourage hands-on exercises, in field experiences, and contact with those that have experience in the field. These researchers work with engineering technology students throughout the academic year, some of them have experience in other programs such as engineering, mathematics, and business. They find the contrast between these groups of students often remarkable. Some studies have focused on the cognitive development of this population, others have focused on survey response that includes student or graduate introspection regarding their education and career path. Few focus on how the students respond to short, hands-on tasks involving the use of existing skills, and those they acquire in class. This study presents a set of exercises to students and analyzes the level of engagement, interest, and knowledge gain by asking them to carefully consider the answers to three questions and then respond to those questions. The researchers focus on the qualitative and quantitative answers, as well as student interaction following the exercises. Purdue Polytechnic is one of Purdue’s University Colleges and has 9 remote locations spread across the state in addition to main campus. Students located at main campus tend to be traditional students that matriculate immediately after high school graduation, while those at the remote campus’ are more likely to matriculate a year or more after high school graduation. The interactive hands-on exercises were tested on students located in one of the remote sites and the results are compared to other remote sites and to the main campus, as well. These groups also are different in size ranging from a few students to nearly 100. The data in this study is analyzed as an aggregate and as separate locations. The researchers find that these students have more intuition to solve problems, as noted by past research on this population, done in a different manner.
Shehadi, M., & Lucietto, A. (2018). Engineering technology students response to hands-on fluid power exercises. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 7(5), 81–88.
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