Multimodal Sports Interaction: Wearables and HCI in Motion

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Wearable and mobile technologies hold the promise to be used'on the move' as they are portable. It is common to listen to music during a run, track steps during the day, and have phone calls on the go. More advanced systems support, for example, athletes in increasing their performance, enhance their technique, and discuss sports data with a coach. To facilitate these experiences, providing such often multimodal feedback that is understandable, timely, and does not interfere with the sports activity is key. In this workshop, we will discuss multimodal feedback for sports so that more people can profit from wearable technologies. We will use prior work on truly mobile interaction as a framework analyze existing works and will hands-on explore various modalities to experience the pros and cons of modalities in motion.




van Rheden, V., Montoya, M. F., Elvitigala, D. S., Meschtscherjakov, A., & Mueller, F. (2024). Multimodal Sports Interaction: Wearables and HCI in Motion. In UbiComp Companion 2024 - Companion of the 2024 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 952–955). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.

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