The cloud computing is the architecture that is decentralized in nature due to which various issues in the network get raised which reduces its efficiency. The exchange of data over the network is also continuously increasing. New advanced technology, cloud computing is becoming popular because of providing the above services beneficially. Other vital technologies like virtualization and scalability by designing virtual machines in cloud computing. In cloud computing, web traffic and service provisioning are increasing day by day, so load balancing is becoming a big research issue in cloud computing. Cloud Computing is a new propensity emerging in the IT environment within huge requirements of infrastructure and resources. The load Balancing technique for cloud computing is a vital aspect of the cloud computing environment. Peerless Load balancing scheme ensures splendid resource utilization by provisioning resources to cloud users on-demand services basis in a pay-as-you-use manner. The technique of Load Balancing may further support prioritizing requests of users/clients by applying appropriate scheduling criteria. This paper presents various load balancing schemes in different cloud environments based on requirements specified in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Nisar, S., Arora, D., & Verma, N. (2020). Elastic Technique for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1123–1127.
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