FPGA Based OTP Generation System for Data Security

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The password system is the most conventional method among validation techniques on the internet and is operated more easily and effectively than other methods. However, it is a vulnerable method against attacks such as eavesdropping or replay attack. To prevail over this problem, OTP (One Time Password) technique is used. The most popular OTP is HOTP algorithm, which is based on one-way hash function SHA-1. The recent researches show the weakness of the hash function. So, in this paper we created a module which uses another cryptographic algorithm. Cryptography in the current world serves an important role in data security. Cryptography means writing of secret codes (cipher text) which is in an unintelligible form and cannot be read unless we have a perfect key to decode it. The proposed method is AES algorithm (128 bit) followed by Middle Square method to generate an OTP. As OTP is a 4-6 bit number we will decrease the AES output to a 4-6 bit through Middle Square method and this OTP can be used as a security tool in many cases like online transaction purposes.




Noorbasha*, F., Krishna, Ch. R., & HafijullaIrshad, Shaik. (2020). FPGA Based OTP Generation System for Data Security. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 1836–1839. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.e4879.018520

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