Security is now a prime concern for any individual in modern days. Theever-increasing graph of technological advancement in the field of Internet of things and other arenas have paved way for new development of smart web-based locking system which is based on face recognition for authentication. The proposed system uses a feature similar to Haar for the purpose of face detection and also Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH). The project also extends its usability by sending live image of the guest which arrives and can even send a notification on the phone to the owner. The proposed system can be embedded along with other technologies to form a smart housing. The implementation of the project is done using Arduino board, python for programming, Open CV library is also included, and the hardware component also includes camera module for face recognition.
Gutgutia*, S., Shukla, S., & Singh, S. S. (2019). Physiological Traits (Face Recognition) Based Door Lock. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 5808–5812.
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