Metal matrix composites (MMC’s) have evolved an extreme attention in current era for their superior applications in aerospace, defence and automobile industries. Metal matrix composites are found as current materials, possessing the characteristics of light in weight, greater wear resistance & superior specific strength. Due to presents of high hardened reinforcement strength, composite materials are very difficult to do machining by traditional techniques. Therefore unconventional machining like Electrical Discharge Machining becomes feasible method to these kinds of composite materials. EDM process does not require any mechanical energy because there is no direct contact between tool and workpiece. So there no influence of superior material properties like hardness, strength, toughness etc in machining hybrid metal matrix composite. In the present paper, an analysis is carried out to evaluate the influence of input parameters such as peak current (I), tool lift (TL), pulse off time (T off) and pulse on time (Ton) on the machining of 90%-Al(6061)-3 weight % silicon carbide (SiC)-7 weight % boron carbide (B4C) hybrid metal matrix composite through electrical discharge machining. The individual parameters were analyzed with an objective to minimize tool wear ratio (TWR) and to maximize the material removal rate (MRR). The grey relation grade (GRG) for Electric discharge machining is obtained by using taghuchi based grey relation analysis (GRA) method with multiple response parameters like MRR and TWR. The ANOVA based GRA method is employed to find the significance of process parameters like Peak Current, Pulse on time, and Pulse off time and Tool lift.
Bodukuri, A. K., & Eswaraiah, K. (2019). Parametric optimization of EDM process for hybrid metal matrix using GRA method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 5844–5848.
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