This paper proposes critical line based optimal allocation of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) in network to improve voltage stability through which finest power flow (PF) control can be obtained with proposed approach. A Genetic Algorithm based Upgraded Differential Evolutionary (UDE) approach is programmed with optimal allocation of UPFC at critical lines to enhance voltage stability. Critical lines can be obtained with severity of buses connected. Ranking Index(RI) is proposed to obtain critical lines in priority manner. UPFC device can be allocated at most priority line flow obtained from the proposed Ranking Index (RI).The constraints are modeled and programmed to make better voltage profiles of various bus networks. IEEE-5bus, 14bus, 30bus system are tested under MATLAB programming environment. The proposed strategy is compared with and without UPFC placement to show its effectiveness.
Reddy*, K. M. K., Rao, A. K., & Rao, R. S. (2020). Critical Line based Optimal Allocation of UPFC to improve Voltage Stability of the system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1253–1259.
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