Medical image processing is a challenging research field, since most captured images suffer from noise and poor contrast nature. The accuracy of details present in the medical image depends entirely on the captured image quality. The factor that affects the quality of the images includes poor illumination conditions, capturing devices and inexperienced technicians that may result in low contrast images. Hence, contrast enhancement techniques are necessary to improve the quality of OCT images for further processing. In this paper, the enhancement of OCT images is carried out using various enhancement techniques to identify the method that offers improvement in the enhancement quality of the image. It presents a comparative evaluation of enhancement techniques based on the performance indices calculated from the experimental results. The results of this research work suggest the better enhancement technique suitable for OCT images depending on the various performance metrics used prominently in medical imaging.
Saya Nandini Devi, M., & Santhi, S. (2019). Improved oct image enhancement using clahe. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 1351–1355.
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