Smart parking is the digital approach to the modern-day parking problems. This project presents a new approach to the parking problems in our country in which we use ultrasonic sensors to detect the unoccupied places inside the parking area. This data is frequently captured and updated onto a real time cloud database. From that database we fetch the details of the parking area and present it to the end customer in the form of a web base application. This application will show the end customer where are the unoccupied slots are located and the path to that unoccupied space is presented onto the User Interface so that the user can park his car in a very limited amount of time.
Sivakumar, B., Srinivas, B. S., & Reddy, V. R. (2020). A Web Application Exhibiting Parking Guidance using Smart Sensor Networks. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 2430–2434.
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