Cluster based triple threshold energy detection for spectrum sensing in vehicular Ad Hoc networks

ISSN: 22773878
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Realization of better transport experience has become a global concern with the growth in the number of vehicles on roads. Various technologies using Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) have been fronted as the solution. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is an ITS technology that can be used to effectively support many vehicular applications for effective traffic control as well as information sharing between vehicles on the same route. With the advancement in wireless technologies, many applications related to vehicular communication are bound to be advanced. These applications will ease the exchange of information from one vehicle to another with the help of modern wireless technologies. The use of cognitive radio system provides additional radio resources in the already crowded licensed spectrum for vehicular communication. Spectrum sensing capability and effectiveness of the nodes is paramount in the vehicular environment. Establishing a reliable threshold level for energy detection has been shown to be essential for efficient spectrum sensing with double energy detection threshold being fronted in the recent past. Small scale primary users too like WIFI span over short range meaning they are not reliable. In this paper, a triple threshold energy detection method is proposed. This method improves the spectrum sensing efficiency as well as addressing the small scale primary users which are unreliable for use in cognitive radio systems.




Rop, K. V., Langat, P. K., & Ouma, H. A. (2019). Cluster based triple threshold energy detection for spectrum sensing in vehicular Ad Hoc networks. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 1495–1499.

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