The Medical images are the diagnostic evidence that ensures information on the anatomical pathology. In the field of medical imaging, the automatic classification and its retrieval can insert in a new radiograph inside the current archive without manual interaction and also can search for specific diagnoses based on the image input. The image retrieval brings down the cost of medical care to a great extent as the clinical decision of the physician is faster because the anatomical features and also the pathologic appearance is compared to that of an image database. Dementia is a neurological condition that describes the problems with memory as well as thinking. It denotes the progressive deterioration of thoughts and interferes severely with the social, the occupational as well as the intellectual functioning. Dementia is because of a brain disease and not because of ageing. Most of the people go through a memory loss that is linked to ageing but it does not affect the daily functions and is not connected to dementia.
Kaliyamurthie, K. P., Michael, G., Anuratha, C., & Sundaraj, B. (2019). Certain improvements in alzheimer disease classification using novel fuzzy c means clustering for image segmentation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 599–604.
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