The Learning style of every individual is unique. We require some adaptive and personalization techniques to extract required learning content from enormous content available. Here we build up an adaptive learning approach so that the personalization is conceivable. An adaptive learning system is developed by considering learner’s knowledge. We develop this by considering a specific domain. It takes the individual’s performance into consideration and modifies constantly by responding with student specific learning content. We categorize learners based on the initial assessment conducted. Based on the results obtained and on his/her choice of content displayed. Learner’s performance is observed and modelled, adaption is done accordingly through continuous appraisals conducted after each module and tweaked during interactions. The essential goal of this paper is to incorporate the revelation of ideal settings, where the students can improve their learning capacities.
Sree*, P. R., Bhuvaneswari, T., … Kiran, J. S. (2019). Personalized E-Learning System Based on User’s Performance and Knowledge: An Adaptive Technique. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8695–8699.
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