The promising solution for next generation wireless communication system is multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system. It can transmit and receive data from different channels simultaneously without any need of additional frequency band. In this paper the design issues and challenges in MIMO antenna system for different applications have been reviewed. The major applications of MIMO systems include Wi-Fi, High Speed Packet Access, LTE, WiMAX (4G), and also MIMO has been used in power line communication. Implementation of MIMO antenna system is dependent on important parameters such as: Peak gain, Average Gain, Mutual Coupling, Envelop Correlation Coefficient (ECC), Total Active Reflection Coefficie nt (TARC), Signal polarization and Miniaturization of antenna system. Hence an optimal MIMO antenna design to suit for communication applications in an indoor environment is a challenging task. This paper proposes comparative study for the different MIMO antenna parameters. The different modeling techniques for MIMO antenna system are surveyed and areas for future research work in line with tradeoffs between different design parameters are suggested.
Duggani*, L., Naik, Dr. U., & Rayar, V. (2020). Design Issues and Challenges in Indoor MIMO Antenna Systems. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 3842–3846.
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