Long-term benefits of field trip participation: Young tourism management professionals share their stories

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Research on field trips within hospitality and tourism programs have started to draw academic attention in recent years. However, there is still room for a deeper reflexive analysis on the long-term benefits that field trip participation may bring to students - even after they graduate - by approaching field trips as a broader component of the learning experience, which take place continuously throughout the program. This article tells the stories of seven young Peruvian tourism management professionals, from the moment they decided to enroll in a tourism-related program until their current involvement in the tourism sector. Special attention is given to exploring their perception of how field trip participation has impacted them so far as well as their career projections. The stories suggest that despite differences among participants’ socio-demographic backgrounds, personalities, student performance, current employment status, and professional goals, they all agree that field trips provided them with numerous benefits at academic, professional, and personal levels. While in the short-term participating in field trips helped them succeeding in their courses, in the long-term the knowledge gained during these trips allowed them to feel more empowered and self-confident at the current stage they are in as young professionals who keep acquiring experience in the field. Findings suggest that field trip participants may develop a certain level of place attachment that may lead to implement tourism development actions later when they become professionals. Valuable insights are provided for educators as well as tourism management program directors.




Sotomayor, S. (2021). Long-term benefits of field trip participation: Young tourism management professionals share their stories. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100285

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