This study investigates the drying modeling of Uncaria gambir Roxb using convective desiccant examined by statistical parameters. Three types of drying modeling are investigated, i.e. the Newton, Page and Henderson-Pabis models. The drying conditions of Uncaria gambir Roxb were set at 35oC, 45oC and 55oC and air velocity of 1.2 m/s. The results show that the Page modeling is the best fit model for this investigation based on values of R2 (coefficient of determinant), RMSE (root mean square error) and χ2 (chi-square) goodness of fit test derived from (MR) moisture ratio equation. The Page modeling shows R2 value nearest to unity and lowest values of RMSE and χ2 are obtained for all given temperatures (35oC, 45oC and 55oC) at air velocity of 1.2 m/s. The drying modeling is useful for optimization in design process encountered with product quality and cost of production.
Hasibuan, R., Sundari, R., … Anggraini, R. (2020). Statistical Examination of Uncaria gambir Roxb Drying Modeling. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 379–382.
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