Waveforms of voltage and current are distorted and requirement of reactive power increase due to developing use of non-linear and time-varying loads. Harmonic distortion is recognized to be sources of a number of problems, such as increase in power losses, unnecessary heating, harmonic resonances in the utility, communication obstruction, flash and clear noise, inaccurate operation of susceptible loads [1, 2]. Conventionally, LC tuned passive filters absorb generated vocal currents due to nonlinear loads. Their primary benefit is more reliability with reduced cost. However, passive filters have a number of demerits like which may be the source of harmonic interface with the utility system, in the existence of inflexible value of fine-tuning LC filter is necessary and could not meet the predetermined harmonic current restrictions [3, 4]. This gives the inspiration to the exploration of an active power filter methodology, which is sensibly viable, cost valuable and can gather the suggested standard for large power nonlinear loads. Due to the high rating and large switching-frequency constraint of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) inverters are used for high-power applications.
Suresh Kumar Budi, S., & Kiranmayi, R. (2019). Harmonic reduction of shunt active power filter using SVPWM. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 8), 1183–1188. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1034.0882S819
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