The initials HVAC stand for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. They describe the functions of an HVAC system. This mechanical system’s design is primarily an attempt to take control of the environmental conditions inside the space of work by controlling and monitoring the temperature of a room through heating and cooling. It also controls the humidity level in that environment by controlling the movement and distribution of air inside the room. For determining the temperature and humidity, costly sensors are required. These sensors are the traditional mechanical sensors which can’t offer any additional services like cloud support, data storage, etc. Hence here I am proposing an IoT based sensor with cloud data storage using Arduino-Uno development board, ESP8266 and Thingspeak cloud. This sensor is economical and supports automatic reading and controlling of the humidity and temperature and sends this data to a secured server and thus monitors and controls the temperature and humidity of the system.
Darji, C. P. (2021). IoT Based Sensor for Humidity and Temperature Measurement in Smart HVAC Systems. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(5), 42–44.
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