Youth and the future of brazil: An analysis of the impact of multidimensional poverty in the macroregions (2015)

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Given the representativeness of Brazil’s youth population and the various socioeconomic vulnerabilities they face, the present study aims to provide a multidimensional measure of poverty for this population group across the country’s five macroregions. To this end, the Alkire-Foster method is used along with a database from the National Household Sample Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, PNAD, 2015). The sample consists of 85,388 individuals, analyzed across four dimensions and twelve indicators of deprivation. The results indicate that the incidence of poverty among Brazilian youth is 11.4% and that the country’s MPI is 4.5%, with the North and Northeast macroregions presenting deprivation indices higher than the national average. The indicators that most contributed to deprivation are internet access, educational level, access to a sewerage network, and garbage collection.




Pereira, O. L. F., Santos, V. F. D. S., Da Silva, G. J., & De Oliveira, S. V. (2020). Youth and the future of brazil: An analysis of the impact of multidimensional poverty in the macroregions (2015). Apuntes, 47(86), 59–86.

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