Experimental behavior of masonry arches with and without fiber reinforced polymer

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This paper deals with the experimental behavior of solid clay brick masonry parabolic arches. Among all the different structural systems, masonry arches are the most efficient. In this paper preliminary tests were carried out on cement, sand, bricks, mortar and their material properties like specific gravity for cement, sand, compression strength on bricks, mortar and water absorption test on bricks, were studied. In this report fabrication of masonry arch of same dimensions were carried out. A total of four specimens were casted out of which two specimens were casted without GFRP. and two other were wrapped with GFRP on extrados and intrados surface of the arch. Specimens are having the span of 1.3m, rise of 0.5 and width of 0.230m. After the casting and curing of the all specimens was carried out, two arches which are without glass fiber reinforced polymer are subjected to monotonic loading and then other two arches were wrapped with glass fiber reinforced polymer and then subjected to monotonic loading.




Chitra, R., Thendral, S., & Mohan, S. J. (2019). Experimental behavior of masonry arches with and without fiber reinforced polymer. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 779–787. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I3161.0789S319

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