Managerial and technical perceptions in decision making process of adaptive reuse: Malaysian heritage building

ISSN: 22783075
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Adaptive reuse is a process of rebranding heritage buildings without jeopardizing their authentic values. There is a need for a proper guideline for authorities and private sectors to adaptively reuse a building. With this in mind, this paper evaluated and compared the perceptions of two groups of stakeholders in the conservation industry (managerial and technical groups) on the important components that should be taken into account before an adaptive reuse of a building. Questionnaires containing adaptive reuse projects were sent to the experts of the groups. The data obtained from the survey were evaluated through a descriptive analysis and t-test technique using SPSS software. The preliminary findings indicate that physical and technological aspects are two (2) important components that should be taken into consideration. Apart from that, this report acknowledges these components from both the managers and technocrats’ point of view. All in all, this study may be used as a blueprint for the authorities and private sectors in the execution of adaptive reuse of a building. A Good Abstract Should Consist Of Introduction, Problem Statement, Quantitative Results & Discussion And Quantitative Conclusion.




Hanfi, M. H., Umar, M. U., Nah, M. N. M., & Fauzi, S. N. F. M. (2019). Managerial and technical perceptions in decision making process of adaptive reuse: Malaysian heritage building. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(5s), 292–298.

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