This article was oriented to the study of responsible marketing as a distinctive advantage in the value chain of organizations. In the same, is part of the need to adapt to companies in the importance of this activity of administrative sciences essentially in the theoretical increase of value over and above the initial cost of their products as services. With a broad theoretical support supported by Eguidazu (2004), García (2003), Vargas (2005), Torrecilla (2000), Hill and Jones (2005), among others, categorizing the context, where this marketing approach is supposed to in which the different primary activities and support activities are distinguished. The methodology applied was descriptive-documentary. It can be concluded that Responsible Marketing as a distinctive advantage in the value chain of organizations, is given thanks to good management applied by organizations, considering courses of action, evaluations and selections to establish necessary strategies, which support capacity entrepreneur within the value chain, as well as highly qualified and innovative work, articulated for an effective responsible management in organizations, having a transversal vision of the business, using this renewing trend of marketing to act as a tool in the actions of manufacturing and product integrity; disclosure, packaging and labeling; marketing and publicity; sales practices; prices; as the distribution.
Alarco, G., Castillo, C., & Leiva, F. (2019). Riqueza y desigualdad en el Perú: Vision Panoramica. Biblioteca Nacional Del Perú, 1–196. Retrieved from
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