Abstrak Sebagai otoritas persaingan usaha, KPPU memiliki kewenangan memeriksa dan memutus perkara pelanggaran Undang-Undang Persaingan Usaha. Di samping memutus perkara, KPPU juga memiliki tugas memberikan saran/rekomendasi demi perbaikan iklim persaingan usaha. Dalam praktiknya, ada kalanya rekomendasi juga dimuat dalam putusan KPPU yang berkenaan dengan dugaan pelanggaran Undang-Undang Persaingan Usaha. Dengan demikian putusan KPPU bisa mengandung muatan imperatif maupun rekomendatif. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji muatan imperatif dan rekomendatif dalam putusan-putusan KPPU. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa kedua sifat konten putusan KPPU memang diperlukan dalam penegakan hukum yang bersifat komprehensif dan tidak semata-mata menggunakan pendekatan represif. Mengingat sensitivitas dunia usaha terhadap regulasi, konten rekomendatif menjadi salah satu wahana yang juga tepat untuk mendorong ketaatan (compliance) pihak-pihak terkait. Abstract As a business competition organ, the Commission has the authority to examine and decide cases involving violations of Competition Law. Furthermore, the Commission also has the task of providing advice/recommendation for the government and businesses to improve the business competition climate. In practice, there are occassions when the recommendation is also contained in the Commission’s decision with regard to alleged violations of the Business Competition Law. Thus the decision of the Commission may contain imperative verdict well as recommendation. This study aimed to assess the imperatives and recommendation content in the Commission’s decisions. It was revealed that both content is required in a comprehensive law enforcement which was not simply based on repressive approach. Given the sensitivity of the business with regulations, the recommendations contained in the Commission’s decision may be used as an appropriate vehicle to encourage adherence (compliance) to Competition Law by related parties.
Prananingrum, D. H. (2016). KARAKTERISTIK IMPERATIF DAN REKOMENDATIF PUTUSAN-PUTUSAN KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA. Refleksi Hukum: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 1(1), 97. https://doi.org/10.24246/jrh.2016.v1.i1.p97-116
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