A research on niw alloy coatings on mild steel through electrodeposition method

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In order to enhance the structural and mechanical properties of mild steel, NiW nanocrystalline thin layer has been coated on the surface of mild steel through electroplating technique at bath temperature of 40 C over the deposition time of 45 minutes. The nanocrystalline NiW alloy coatings were deposited on mild steel at constant current density of 1 A/dm2. The structural and chemical characterizations of the NiW alloy coated mild steel were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The micro hardness value of the coated mild steel was determined by using Vickers Hardness test. The effect of NiW on wear behavior of mild steel was analyzed using Pin-on-disc apparatus. The mechanical properties of mild steel such as hardness, roughness and wear resistance have been enhanced in an appreciable manner. This is primarily due to the NiW alloy coatings on mild steel. The variations in structural and mechanical properties of NiW coated mild steel were also studied.




Kannan, R., Sankar, K., Venkatesh, K., & Sathyabalan, P. (2019). A research on niw alloy coatings on mild steel through electrodeposition method. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 2), 442–445. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I1094.0789S219

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