Flexible photodetector from ultraviolet to near infrared based on a SnS2 nanosheet microsphere film

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A new flexible ultraviolet (UV) to near infrared (NIR) photodetector based on a SnS2 nanosheet self-assembled microsphere film has been fabricated onto a transparent polypropylene (PP) film using double-side adhesive tape, and its light-induced electric properties were investigated in detail. The detector demonstrates a remarkable photoresponse from 300 to 830 nm, a remarkable photocurrent depending on the optical power and light wavelength, as well as an excellent photoswitch effect and stability. In addition, another new rigid photodetector based on the same SnS2 microsphere film has been fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate, showing similar photosensitive properties. It suggests that SnS2 nanosheet microspheres are potential candidates for high-performance nanoscale optoelectronic devices, and the SnS2-microsphere-based photodetector can be applied as a photodetector in the range of UV to NIR light because of its low cost and nontoxicity. This journal is




Tao, Y., Wu, X., Wang, W., & Wang, J. (2015). Flexible photodetector from ultraviolet to near infrared based on a SnS2 nanosheet microsphere film. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3(6), 1347–1353. https://doi.org/10.1039/c4tc02325k

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