The growing interest of the Arabs in Arabic translations from Greek since the 8th century has been interpreted as a sign of humanism in Islam. This is comparable to humanists in Europe who, since the 14th century, considered the Greek and Latin literature the foundation of spiritual and moral education. We will have to address the question of whether a similar ideal of education has been developed in harmony with religion in the Islamic cultural sphere. The perceived tension between the humanists of antiquity and Christianity has a parallel in the tensions between Islamic religiosity and a rational Islamic worldview. However, there are past and present approaches to developing an educational ideal, which is comparable to the European concept of a moral shaping of the individual. The Qur??n and Islamic tradition do not impede the free development of personality and creative responsibility if their historicity is taken into account and if they are not elevated to an unreflected norm.Sve vece zanimanje Arapa za arapske prevode sa grckog jezika od 8. veka interpretirano je kao znak humanizma u islamu. Ovo je uporedivo sa humanistima u Evropi koji su od 14. veka smatrali grcku i latinsku knjizevnost osnovom duhovnog i moralnog obrazovanja. Mora se postaviti pitanje, da li je u islamskoj kulturoloskoj sferi razvijan slican ideal edukacije koji je u skladu sa islamskom religijom. Opazena tenzija izmedju humanista antickog razdoblja i hriscanstva poseduje paralelu u tenzijama izmedju islamske religioznosti i racionalnog islamskog svetonazora. Ipak, postoje prosli i sadasnji pristupi koji ce razvijati obrazovni ideal, koji se moze uporediti sa evropskim konceptom moralnog oblikovanja pojedinca. Kur??n i islamska tradicija ne sprecavaju slobodni razvoj licnosti i kreativnu odgovornost ukoliko je njihova istoricnost uzeta u obzir i ukoliko nisu uzdignuti do nepromisljene norme.
Daiber, H. (2013). Humanism: A tradition common to both Islam and Europe. Filozofija i Drustvo, 24(1), 293–310.
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