Rotating machine such as a small low voltage motor or a power plant generator is an essential asset to the industrial applications. The execution and efficiency of these rotating machines are being reduced due to faulty rotating machinery parts. The faulty parts also generate various forces, thus increases the amplitude of vibration as well as energy consumption. Early fault detection and diagnosis have been widely used with various methods as they were able to reduce accidents and machine breakdowns along with economic losses. This study aims to present the faulty bearings which were seeded in the bearings. The fault size are ranging from 0.007 inches to 0.021 inches in diameter. Among the methods, vibration signal data is one of the champions. In this study, early fault detection was focused on bearing using the time domain technique and the data were analyzed. Particularly, the fault was introduced on the outer raceway at three different positions; orthogonal (3 o’clock), centered (6 o’clock) and opposite (12 o’clock). The MATLAB software was used to determine the time domain parameters, comprising of the standard deviation, Root Mean Square (RMS), skewness and shape factor as the representation of the best reflection of the failure. The time domain parameters for healthy and faulty bearing were plotted and compared in graphical presentation. The result shows all the four parameters have greater value in contrast with the healthy bearing value except for skewness data in the opposite (12 o’clock) position.
Mardhiah, N. A. (2019). Early Fault Detection in Bearing with Fault Seeded on Outer Raceway at Three Different Position: Orthogonal, Centered and Opposite. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 6448–6453.
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