Aloe vera is a well known medicinal plant which thrives in varied agro-climates. It was native to Northern Africa, but now it is widely distributed throughout the world. The chemistry of the plant reveals the presence of diverse biologically active compounds associated with curing different ailments such as wound, inflammations, cancer, diabetes, ulcer, microbial diseases, skin diseases, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), liver problems, dental problems, cardiovascular problems, hyperlipidmia and others. The plant also shows anti-aging, laxative, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. Most of the biological activities are contributed by the wide varieties of compounds present in the sap and gel of A. vera. Various scientific investigations have proved that anthraquinones and glycosides present in the sap of A. vera are responsible for minimizing the severity of cancer, free radicals activity, diabetes, inflammation, microbial diseases, tyrosinase activity, spermatogenic activity, β-secretase inhibitory activity and proliferative activity. It also affects estrogen status and intestinal absorption of the cell along with laxative activities. In addition to the therapeutic properties, the gel is used as an important ingredient of various cosmetic formulations. Though few reports have cited the side effects of anthraquinones, but it is negligible compared to its medicinal properties. This review article also describes about the various factors affecting the chemical composition of A. vera such as different existing varieties of A. vera, annual season rainfall, temperature, incident solar radiation, harvest date, climate, land and cultivation methods. In view of high interest shown by the people of different countries for its medicinal value and commercial uses, it is quite worthy to review the active constituents and clinical effectiveness of A. vera.
Baruah, A., Bordoloi, M., & Deka Baruah, H. P. (2016, December 30). Aloe vera: A multipurpose industrial crop. Industrial Crops and Products. Elsevier B.V.
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