Though various works have been done for handling end-to-end congestion control in traditional wireless adhoc networks, they lead to abnormal delay in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN) due to the extra delaycaused by PU activities. While assigning channels along the route towards destination, channel availability, channel quality and channel switching delay should be considered. In this paper, we propose a Game theory based Channel Assignment and Load balancing(GTCALB) technique for multicast routing for CRAHN. In this technique, a channel matrix is constructed for each link with probability of channel availability, delay cost and channel quality. Then Game theory model is applied for each link in which a utility function is derived for each channel. Then the link with minimum overload is selected with a channel having maximum utility function. The proposed GTCALB technique is applied for each route, during the multicast route discovery. By NS2 simulation, it is shown that the GTCALB technique reduces the end-to-end delay and increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio for the constructed multicast routes.
Vinya, V. L., & Rao, G. V. (2019). Game theory based channel assignment and load balancing for cognitive radio ad-hoc networks. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3716–3722.
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