In the present generation the construction activity is rapidly increasing as a result the usage of cement is growing more and leads to environmental hazards. This study deals with the mechanical properties of partial replacement of cement by GGBS and Fly-Ash in M40 grade concrete. Cement were replaced as partially in the form of 5%,10%,15% and 20%. As per IS 456:2000 [1] the tests were conducted on 3,7 and 28th days after curing condition. This study proves that the possible replacement to cement by GGBS is 10% and fly ash 15% used in the concrete, which helps in minimizing the consumption of cement and environmental problems also.
Chandar*, S. P., Reddy, A. R., & Ramasubramani, R. (2020). The Mechanical Properties on Partially Replacement of Cement by Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Fly-Ash in M40 Grade Concrete. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1385–1388.
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