Solid modeling in professional training of specialists for machine-building enterprises

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The article considers the structure of the discipline “Engineering Graphics” which is based on the modern solid modeling technologies in the environment of software products made by Autodesk, and on traditional methods of Descriptive geometry, Mechanical drawing and Design planning. The characteristic of modern PDM-technologies is given. Special attention is paid to the issues of traditional and modern design methods compatibility. The objectives of the course “Engineering Graphics” are outlined. Some examples of graphic work, training and control methods are given. The place of the discipline “Engineering Graphics” in the General structure of educational process of training of highly qualified specialists for machine-building enterprises is defined.




Telegin, V., & Telegin, I. (2019). Solid modeling in professional training of specialists for machine-building enterprises. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 7–9.

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